Carrollton Location
Contact Us
- P:217-942-1111
- F: 217-942-3130
Our Location
- 508 N. Main St.
- Carrollton, IL
- 62092
We're Open
- Monday - Friday: 9a.m.-5:30p.m.
- Saturday: 9-a.m.-1p.m.
- Sunday: Closed
Our Staff

Carrollton Front Staff
- All of the following staff members are clerks that work in our front end ringing customers up, restocking, decorating, and customer service.
- ★ Sherrie
- ★ Edwina
- ★ Janice - Primary purchaser and Front End manager
- ★ Missy
- ★ Jenna
- ★ Tall Gentleman in the back is Keyton- he does most deliveries and the heavy lifting

Carrollton Staff
- ★ Sharon - CPhT
- ★ Keli - Accountant, HR, Office Manger, and Secretary
- ★ Rose- Technician, OTC retail associate
- ★ Kim - CPhT with hospital support
- ★ Rachel - RPH
- ★ Rita - RPH
- ★ Edwina & Janice in the front row are actually pictured in the Front Staff as they do not work in the Pharmacy.
- ★ Not Pictured is Brandi- CPhT and Medicaid biller
Pharmacy Services
Gift Shop
- Children's toys, puzzles, stuffed animals, warmies, and games.
- Gift cards, greeting cards, jewelry, clothing, flower arrangements.
- Pictures, signs, and home decor.
Brands, make-up, vitamins, pain relievers, glucose supplies, cold/sinus, eye and
ear products, analgesics creams.
- House cleaning products, diapers, bottles, brushes, curling irons, etc.
Home Delivery:
$2.00 fee
- When do you deliver? Monday - Friday at 4p.m.
- How do I schedule delivery? Notify an associate.
- How do I know my items will be delivered? Do you call? Text? Generally delivery is the same day unless something needs to be ordered.
- How far in advance do I need to schedule? Before 2 p.m.
- What happens if I'm not at home? Without prior arrangements we can not leave medications.
DME products
- Brands? Drive, Carex, Cardinal Health.
- Insurance accepted? Depends.
- Can you deliver these? Yes.
- Types? Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, TDap.
- Do you take appointments or walk-ins? Both.
- How far in advance do I need to reach out? Day before if an appointment or walk-in.
- Can you work with my local business for a clinic? Yes.
- How do I make an appointment? Contact the pharmacy.
Mail Delivery
- Costs? Postage.
- How to pay? Over the phone or credit card on file.
- Can you send OTC items? Yes depending on the product.
- How to arrange this? Contact the pharmacy.
- What consultations do you have? Blood pressure check, blood sugar check, medication review, general face to face consultations.
- How can I schedule these? Walk-in or over the phone.
- Do I need to come into the pharmacy for this or can we do it over the phone/virtually? Walk-in or phone/virtually.
What payments do you accept? MOST OTC cards, Medicare, Medicaid, cash, card, FHA/HSA, Apple Pay or Samsung Pay.
Do you ever have coupons? No.